Monday, October 13, 2008

Its been too long....

Ahhh....I know you've been anxiously awaiting my next post - and really, I had to wait until Britney got out of her rut before I could begin to go on with my life. After seeing her new video premier on 20/20 last friday, I feel it's finally time to journey back out into the world, proudly wearing my "I (heart) Britney t-shirt. 
 I do love her....LOVE a celebrity crush sort of way. My sister is still kind of in the closet about her, but I have always been a big, huge fan. Thank you Britney for proving me right!! I knew you could do it.
Ok, ok...this blog is NOT about the Britster. 
I feel bad about not keeping up on this thing. Let me fill you in on what I've been up to:

I started School in August (yay me!)
I started training for a 1/2 Marathon to run in Moab in October....but I missed registration and that's no longer going to happen - but hey, I got in pretty good shape for it.
I sing with a Band - we don't have a name - but the guys in the band feel we need to spend every waking moment practicing.....
The Celebrate America Show finally wrapped its 2008 Season in September.

So now - finally - tonight, after I finished writing a Synthesis Summary for a visual and literary text, and studying for an Algebra (yes algebra) test tomorrow, I can now update my blog and play around on this thing.....
I still don't know how to make it amazing....and I don't know how to subscribe to other people's blogs unless they have the button on their page. Maybe that's the only way, I don't know. 

1 comment:

Clarice said...

Hey I am so glad I just found your blog. You are such an awesome gal and it made me miss you!! Of course I also noticed how hot you were looking in your pics, excellent. Back in school-- you are brave!