Monday, January 28, 2008

2nd round for Sundance? No thanks....

So if any of you are thinking of going up to the Sundance Film festival in Park City, UT during the closing weekend, may I advise you that it will be a complete waste of your time and money.
The scene is void of any entertaining trysts...yes even the frat boy bar, Royal Bliss followers....the Star bar was LAME.
I was - however entertained by the opening bands at the Star Bar....especially one from L.A...called the end of the world, or earth, or ocean....or something. Their lead singer created his own echos..echos...echos....yes, that was something talked about for the rest of the evening...and into the work week on Monday morning.
Hopefully the scene this weekend won't be completely useless and tasteless....perhaps we will be entertained in a different light....opening our minds to something other than boy bands with hot aisian chick cello players.
Thanks coat check guy for making us laugh, and for broken arm guy for getting our attention. Both of you tried - and I want you to know it has not gone unappreciated.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I know what's wrong with me!

I woke up yesterday with sinus pressure all over my face, my ears were clogged and I felt if I leaned my head too far to one side, it would roll right off my body.
I went to the doctor hoping to get the antibiotics needed to nip this in the bud. Clearly, it was a sinus infection; as I've had them twice a year since I was 21. I know the symptoms and what is needed to give them the kung fu kick they need to get out of my body.
Anyway, this was a new doctor, fresh out of Med School...she even had a med student come in and stand against the wall ( and say nothing ) while she was to make her diagnosis. She didn't know what was wrong. She gave me a prescription and told me NOT to get it filled for 2 more days incase I start to feel better. UM.....all I want to do is go home and sleep! THAT would make me feel better.
So I got the prescription filled immediately and took the first 2 pills.
Now it is the next day and I STILL feel like crap. I've slept most of the day....hoping to kick this sinus pressure.
I don't know why I'm blogging about this. It's clearly not interesting.
OH well - wish me luck. I have plans I need to get to this weekend.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sundance Stories & Pants without Borders....

I went up to the Sundance Film Festival In Park City last night. My friend Rose and I were just going to see what was going on. Parking was EASY - the bus shuttle to main street was convenient, it was like a Winter Vegas. I didn't meet anyone else from Utah. Mostly I met New Yorkers and LA guys.
Highlight of the night was 4 guys from the UK who have now relocated to New York, Bermuda....They were quite possibly the most charming group of men I've ever met. Rose would agree, they helped make our night out at Sundance a success.
About the Borderless pants:
One of the UK guys made his money at home working 'without pants.' This means he just sat in his underpants and made money somehow....We were laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. This turned into a story about how comfortable it really is to work from home, without pants. Then this turned into pants without borders. Let's just say a good time was had by all.